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Locally Owned & Operated

20+ Years of Experience

SRB Property Management, located in Milton, Wisconsin, oversees more than 200 rental units, including apartments and homes, in Janesville, Milton, and Beloit. Additionally, we manage over 300 storage units in Janesville and Beloit. If you want to learn more about our available locations, pricing, and rental options, don't hesitate to get in touch with us today. Whether you need help managing your properties or are looking for a rental, we are here to assist you!

More about us

Custom Solutions

White glove service and customized experience based on the customer's needs.

SRB Property Management


Over 30 years of experience in Property Management. 



Quick turnaround time for lease fulfillment. 

SRB Property Management


Numerous controlled access apartments and storage facilities. Secure payment portal online.

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